11 places in Paris Masters of Form
and Expression
Embark on a journey through the heart of culture, where the lasting imprints of art, architecture, and history converge. Delve into the vibrant aftermath of the World Wars, exploring masterpieces in sculpture and visionary architecture at places like Maison La Roche. Journey to the home of the great Impressionists, discovering the universal language of art that transcends time and place. Uncover the secrets of storied authors while exploring the wine caves and escapes of literary legends like Balzac. Meet the publisher, collector, and statesman who left indelible marks on our cultural landscape. This tour is an exploration of humanity through the lens of architecture, from the beloved French buildings to the largest museum of Asian art in Europe. Experience the finesse of French know-how and excellence in art as you travel through these iconic locales, each stop unveiling layers of history and cultural achievements that define the past century. Let this be your insider's guide to the treasures of art and architecture, where every corner holds a narrative waiting to be discovered.
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Uncover the stories behind Rodin's evocative sculptures in the serene gardens of Musée Rodin, where history and artistry intertwine in mesmerizing whispers.

Experience the revolutionary architecture of Le Corbusier's Maison La Roche, a masterpiece where modern design reimagines the essence of home.

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Über die Tour

15.3 km

183 Min

zu Fuß
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