11 places in Paris Hidden Worlds: Art
and Culture Odyssey
Embark on a mesmerizing journey through Paris, where each stop unveils a hidden treasure trove of art, architecture, and cultural heritage. Begin with a serene walk through a Buddhist pantheon, immersing yourself in a tranquil spiritual atmosphere before navigating the intricate weave of fashion history. Discover the subversive allure of the anti-museum, challenging norms with its audacious take on modern and contemporary art. Admire the lavish grand collection of an iconic designer, a testament to timeless style and creativity. Delve beneath the city's bustling surface to explore the secrets of its ancient foundations. Let your imagination soar across continents with a journey to the far reaches of the world, encapsulated within realist masterpieces that adorn a Beaux-Arts architectural icon. Visit a sanctuary for collectors and revel in the personal narrative of an intimate peek into a collector's home. Conclude with a visionary's immersive collection of Asian art, a tapestry of historical depth and cultural richness. This tour offers a profound, insider experience into the diverse realms shaping Paris's artistic soul.
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Regional, spannend und authentisch: Hier finden Sie Kriminalromane, 111-Orte-Bücher und vieles mehr. Entdecken Sie die Welt mit Büchern von Emons!
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Dive into the heart of Paris where echoes of ancient chants in a hidden Buddhist sanctuary invite you to contemplate tales centuries in the making amidst the city's vibrant bustling fabric.

Venture into the art world's frontier with our 'anti-museum' experience, challenging conventions and igniting conversations as you explore thought-provoking modern and contemporary creations.

Experience the highlights of Paris in your own way

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Über die Tour

8.3 km

99 Min

zu Fuß
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