11 places in Winnipeg Cultural Legends
and Art Narratives
Embark on a journey weaving through the vibrant tapestry of Winnipeg's cultural, historical, and artistic tales. Our first stop unveils the urban legend of pilfered pillars, where architectural intrigue meets whispered stories of the past. Then, delve into the quirky world of curling as it intersects with crokinole, a unique blend of sport and local culture. Explore an interactive exhibit that brings to life the profound treaties shaping our land, offering insight into a shared history. Discover the pioneers of Winnipeg's skateboarding scene, celebrating the spirit of rebellion and creativity. Art speaks volumes during our visit to a powerful exhibit highlighting a national crisis. Pay homage to the Catholic sisters of Manitoba with a monument that stands as a testament to their enduring legacy. Savor artisan chocolate while listening to tales that capture a poet’s heart. Witness the healing power of art in a space dedicated to wellness and community. Relive the vibrant history at local bowling lanes, echoing with laughter and camaraderie. Enjoy the serene beauty of Winnipeg's first permanent disc golf course, harmonizing sport with nature. Finally, step into the cherished home of a novelist, where stories and reality blend seamlessly. Whether intrigued by legends, moved by art, or drawn to history, this tour encapsulates the essence of an insider's exploration of Winnipeg.
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Unravel the captivating mystery of Winnipeg's legendary 'pilfered pillars,' where history and folklore weave together into a spellbinding narrative that keeps you guessing at every turn.

Delight in the fusion of art and activism with pieces that not only challenge perceptions but also ignite a powerful dialogue on social issues, all while discovering hidden gems like the stories behind pioneering skateboarders and local artisan chocolate.

Experience the highlights of Winnipeg in your own way

Start, pause, and end your tour in Winnipeg whenever you want
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Über die Tour

11.7 km

141 Min

zu Fuß
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