11 places in Winnipeg Cultural Chronicles
of the Prairies
Embark on an enthralling journey through the hidden treasures of Winnipeg, exploring a vibrant blend of history, culture, and city development. Start at the city's oldest curling club, where echoes of past triumphs resound through the lively halls. Delve into the city's rich past with stops like the mural of a real-life spy and artifacts showcasing the price for a widower to remarry. Discover old objects reborn as new treasures, while honoring the skilled craftsmanship of handmade goods. Savor modern dishes rooted in Indigenous traditions, experiencing the city's dynamic culinary scene, even dining elegantly in a classroom setting. Uncover Winnipeg's musical soul with the best vinyl collection in the prairies, then support the arts by screening independent cinema. Feel a part of history where North America's first three-digit emergency number was initiated, and luminescent ghost signs cast their glow. Each stop invites you deeper into the heart of Winnipeg's captivating story.
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Discover Winnipeg's oldest curling club, where echoes of historic games mix with the enthusiasm of today, setting the perfect introduction to a city where tradition meets innovation.

Delight your senses with modern dishes inspired by Indigenous roots, serving not just a meal but a rich cultural narrative woven into every flavor.

Experience the highlights of Winnipeg in your own way

Start, pause, and end your tour in Winnipeg whenever you want
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Über die Tour

7.8 km

93 Min

zu Fuß
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