11 places in Washington Secrets of Time
Unlocking Stories
Embark on an exclusive journey through a tapestry of history, culture, and art as we plunge beneath Washington's surface. Begin with the eerie allure of catacombs and tales of martyrs, and discover a mummified child's resting place that hints at mysteries of the past. Unveil the secret herstory of a Brookland home, where walls whisper the chronicles of women who shaped history. Revel in the rhythmic pulse of 'This is dance central,' celebrating the vibrant energy of dance. Immerse yourself in art and poetry paired perfectly with craft beer, a fusion of creativity and taste. Dive into the world of handcrafted treasures, readily wearable and immensely useful. Find peace in a sacred space for reflection, inviting calmness and contemplation. Honor the pioneering spirit of Opha May Jacob Johnson, the groundbreaking woman who served her country with distinction. Step back to the room where the Emancipation Proclamation was penned, a testament to the power of written words. Engage in modern-day treasure hunting, where the past and present collide in serendipitous discovery. Step into an intimate space celebrating the arts, a haven for artistic expression. Conclude with a look into a family's legacy, still thriving through dedication and perseverance. This tour promises an immersive exploration into the unseen layers of a city rich in undisclosed narratives, all waiting to unfold before you.
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Unravel the mysteries of Washington, D.C., as you embark on an enchanting journey through haunting catacombs and discover a mummified child's echoing tales beneath the city's familiar streets.

Connect with the pulse of contemporary culture in vibrant, beer-flowing art arcades while unearthing untold stories of icons like Opha May Jacob Johnson and the legendary home where Lincoln crafted the Emancipation Proclamation.

Experience the highlights of Washington in your own way

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Über die Tour

12.7 km

152 Min

zu Fuß
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