11 places in Victoria Icons of the Cityscape
Embark on a fascinating journey through the iconic and lesser-known treasures of Victoria that weave an impressive narrative of history, culture, and modern vibrancy. Start at 'Peeing is believing' to witness a whimsical creation, before discovering 'Lay, lady, lay,' a harmonious homage to classic rock. Honor bravery at 'Remembering a true Canadian hero,' then feel the pulse of the city along 'Route One.' Marvel at architectural prowess at ‘This is the free-standing one,’ and savor culinary delights during 'A moveable feast.' Stand in awe of the musical monument, 'A giant tribute to Eddie Van Halen,' explore the film locale 'Where Wheelan shot Fee,' and delight in the diverse flavors at 'Everything in a bowl or a box.' Uncover the eclectic charm at 'Cool cat central' and finish by fueling your competitive spirit with 'Get your game on.' This tour offers Insider travelers an immersive exploration of the vibrant past and dynamic present of Victoria's cultural landscape.
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Embark on a whimsical journey through Victoria, where intriguing stops like 'Peeing is Believing' blend humor with history, setting the stage for a captivating city adventure.

Feel Victoria's vibrant pulse as you explore spots where art and imagination surprise at every turn and uncover tales of heroism, leaving you inspired by the city's creative spirit.

Experience the highlights of Victoria in your own way

Start, pause, and end your tour in Victoria whenever you want
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Über die Tour

8 km

95 Min

zu Fuß
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