11 places in Swansea Passage Through
Swansea Secrets
Embark on an enthralling journey through Swansea's lesser-known marvels with our insider tour. Start at the Quay, the lifeblood of the city's maritime success, then step into nostalgia at Swansea's sole independent cinema, a haven for cinematic gems. Explore the 'Pips and pits,' tracing the legacy of bygone trades and industry. Feel history's echo within 'A steward's stronghold,' a formidable fortress of tales untold. Witness 'An eruption of creativity' where artistic souls find expression, and ponder the enticing query, 'Paradise found?' in serene, hidden gardens. From the storied chambers of 'Ello, 'ello, 'ello!' get an authentic taste of justice and order, while 'No Persons Here' challenges perceptions at a thought-provoking landmark. Follow a 'Community pilgrimage' that unites stories of grit and belonging. Unearth the mystical transition 'From plagiarism to poetry,' a testament to renewed inspiration, ending where imagination knows no bounds, crafting a narrative of creativity and culture nestled within Swansea's vibrant heart.
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Embark on a mesmerizing journey through Swansea's storied Quay, where echoes of distant trades mingle with artistic awakenings waiting to inspire and awe.

Unlock the enigma of Swansea's past as you explore secretive bastions and captivating retreats, immersing yourself in tales that defy the ordinary.

Experience the highlights of Swansea in your own way

Start, pause, and end your tour in Swansea whenever you want
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Über die Tour

6.2 km

74 Min

zu Fuß
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