11 places in Oxford Stars and Scandals
Through Time's Lens
Embark on a journey through the storied streets of Oxford, where academia meets intrigue at every turn. Begin with the quirky tales of 'Turl and turl again,' navigating secrets etched in the cobbled pathways. Gaze into the night while 'In the gutter, looking at the stars,' a testament to dreams grounded in reality. Feel the tension of history during 'Royalist government on the run,' as we delve into the power struggles that shaped a nation. Witness the charm of perseverance with 'Trying not to lose theirs,' capturing the indomitable spirit of scholars. 'Quod erat demonstrandum' invites you to solve mysteries alongside the greatest minds. Encounter the rebellious energy of 'No earthly reason not to visit,' where defiance played its part. Discover the unapologetic spirit in 'The brass nose of it!' challenging norms with a tangible audacity. Reflect on moral complexities with 'Bloody Hypocrites,' unraveling poignant questions of integrity. Be enchanted by the residences of visionaries in 'Temporary home to the stars.' The tour wouldn't be complete without a pint at 'The Eagle and Child, aka The Bird and Baby,' a pub that birthed literary legends. Conclude with 'Fair dos,' a nod to the ethos that drives fair play, capturing the heart of Oxford's enduring legacy. This tour offers a profound blend of anecdote, history, and culture, designed for those who wish to explore the soul behind the stones.
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Step into the heart of Oxford at Turl Street, where stories of illustrious scholars and mavericks echo through centuries, guiding you 'between the gutter and the stars.'

Uncover the secrets of literary legends and seek inspiration at the renowned 'Eagle and Child,' while unraveling tales of 'Bloody Hypocrites' and celestial ambitions in one of the world's most enchanting cities.

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Über die Tour

3.8 km

45 Min

zu Fuß
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