11 places in Oxford Echoes of Debate
and Creation
Our journey invites you to step into the heart of Oxford's vibrant tapestry, where anecdotes and architecture weave tales of centuries. Begin at the garden of earthly delights, a lush haven evoking Eden. Bear witness to the quirks of landlords past at unique haunts. Wander along the river, following its winding path through history. Discover crossroads where destinies diverged in four directions. As you walk these storied streets, see where walls crumbled, to be rebuilt anew. Dive into the bustling hustle of market forces, where tradition meets modernity. Let the echoes of legendary debates fill your ears in Oxford's hallowed halls. Uncover the distinction between perfection and pastiche in art. Ponder the legacy of William Morris, and trace the deep marks he left, distinct from any other. Find out how often history repeats itself, and finally, savor the flavor of success that brought home the proverbial bacon. This tour is a passage through time, full of stories and wonders, designed for those who seek the insider’s view, where each stop resonates with history, culture, and the spirit of creation that defines Oxford’s timeless charm.
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Embark on a mystical journey through Oxford's 'garden of earthly delights,' where the paths resonate with the whispers of history and the scent of scholarly aspiration.

Discover the secrets of England's oldest pub, where historic quirks meet modern tales and the echoes of roaming bears still linger in the cobblestones.

Experience the highlights of Oxford in your own way

Start, pause, and end your tour in Oxford whenever you want
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Über die Tour

8 km

96 Min

zu Fuß
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