11 places in Ottawa Icons and Echoes:
Ottawa's Hidden Tales
Dive into the heart of Ottawa, where art breathes life around every corner and history whispers through the streets. A tour for the curious, we begin where creative expressions are embraced by all who walk through. Pass through a gateway rife with symbolism before unraveling Cold War tales spurred by a daring Soviet defector. Feel the pulse of protest at Canada’s first gay demonstration and savor ingenious cuisine from a living wage pioneer. Peek behind the scenes at the Canadian Museum of Nature for a glimpse into art’s delicate intricacies. Reflect on activism inspired by Dorothy O’Connell and witness the literary birth of a national icon. Underfoot lies evidence of war, laced with whispers of the beyond. Experience the thrill of testing out Canada’s Guinness-adored ice, and collect stories of crime with an autograph from a notorious bank robber. Each stop invites intrigue, offering Insider travelers a tapestry woven with the threads of history, culture, and politics in Ottawa's lesser-known narratives.
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Embark on an enchanting journey through Ottawa, where art transcends boundaries and each turn reveals tales of intrigue and cultural vibrancy, inviting you to uncover secrets whispered by history itself.

Step into a realm of espionage and courage as we delve into the captivating story of a Soviet defector amidst the Cold War, and explore hidden narratives that define Ottawa's vibrant, courageous spirit.

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5.3 km

64 Min

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