11 places in Ottawa Concrete Romance:
Colorful Stories
Embark on a journey through Ottawa's vivid tapestry of architecture, history, and culture. Start by embracing the stark beauty beloved by Brutalism enthusiasts and discover how hockey shapes Canada's identity. Feel romance in the air at Corktown Footbridge, and explore political intrigue with a politician’s infamous 'death hand.' Pay homage at the workers' monument, honoring those who perished building the canal. Navigate a charmingly steep shortcut, and get a taste of Canada's soul with Mouthful of Canadiana. Step back in time as you ring a piece of history and find unique mementos where souvenirs meet Canadiana. Lastly, unwind in the most colorful tavern in town, where stories come alive in vibrant hues. This tour invites you to view the city through the eyes of its makers and dreamers, turning architecture into an epic narrative and local taverns into kaleidoscopes of culture.
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Embark on a breathtaking journey through Ottawa where brutalist architecture unveils its stories of audacious visionaries amidst the city's blend of history and innovation.

Feel the heartbeat of Canadian culture as we dive into Ottawa's deep-rooted passion for hockey, and enjoy a romantic escape across the enchanting Corktown Footbridge, leaving a trail of discovery and wonder at every turn.

Experience the highlights of Ottawa in your own way

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Über die Tour

4.9 km

58 Min

zu Fuß
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