11 places in Nottingham Tales of Olde:
Nottingham's Echoes
Step into the tapestry of Nottingham's vibrant past, where every corner whispers echoes of history and culture. Begin at the fabled meeting place of David and Frieda, a poignant start to our journey. Stroll on the world’s first tarmac road, a marvel of its time. Marvel at Gothic revival splendor, crafted by Pugin, an architectural visionary.
Discover a timeless gentleman’s outfitters, where elegance and style are woven into every thread. Indulge your senses with the town's finest pastries and breads, a feast for both eyes and palate. Experience Danish design that transforms everyday life into art.
Feel the pulse of Nottingham’s cultural heart at its main concert hall. Connect literature and history in a whimsical Victorian edifice, where stories are etched in stone and spirit. Delight in the harmony of a restored Victorian music hall, resonant with melodies of yesteryear.
Encounter the dramatic tableau of Charles Stuart, dubbed 'that man of blood,’ and uncover the weight of history beneath windswept skies on 19 August 1642. Conclude with a tribute to Nottingham's legendary hero, immortalized in statue, leaving you inspired by tales old and heroics retold. Each stop invites you into the city's soul, embodying the perfect blend of anecdote, architecture, history, and culture for the discerning insider traveler.
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Step into Nottingham's secrets with us as we explore the clandestine meeting place of David and Frieda, and let tales of literary passion and hidden romance guide your journey through the ages.

Feel the pulse of innovation underfoot on the world's first tarmac road and taste tradition in a bakery that tempts with aromas of irresistible indulgence, revealing Nottingham's timeless allure.

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3.5 km

42 Min

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