11 places in Nottingham Echoes of a City
Past and Present
Embark on a journey through Nottingham, where echoes of history intertwine with modern cultural flair. Begin with a nod to benevolence, 'Be thankful, my dear child, for all you have,' a poignant reminder of heritage. Traverse from the thrilling past captured in 'From bikes to stripes' to one of the UK's best contemporary art galleries, illustrating the city's artistic evolution. Stand by the iconic 'Left Lion,' a gathering point rich in local lore. Marvel at the 'Attractive Edwardian railway station,' a testament to the city’s architectural gravitas. Enjoy the canalside jauntiness, where past and present converge in a vibrant tapestry. Relish the refinement of a 'Handsome townhouse and classy restaurant,' before stepping into antiquity at 'The oldest inn in the land – well maybe.' Unearth the 'tunnels of Nottingham Castle,' a subterranean adventure through time. Admire 'A fine Art Deco building,' a notable symbol of 20th-century optimism, and conclude with 'Victorian flamboyance on the Market Square,' where history echoes across grand facades. This tour weaves a narrative of architectural splendor and cultural depth, inviting you to witness Nottingham’s enduring legacy.
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Dive into the heart of Nottingham at the iconic 'Left Lion' in Market Square, where Victorian elegance meets urban vibrancy, setting the stage for a journey filled with history and intrigue.

Discover a realm of creativity at a top contemporary art gallery, harmoniously juxtaposed against the storied edifices of Nottingham, as you explore a city ripe with modern innovation and cultural heritage.

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Über die Tour

6.3 km

75 Min

zu Fuß
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