11 places in Newcastle Secret Stories
from the Heights
Explore Newcastle's lesser-known architectural treasures and historical narratives on this insider's journey. Start with the city's classical ambition, showcasing its quest for grandeur. Witness the evolution of transport at 'The train now arriving…' and uncover the ancient 'Secret passages' that hold tales of intrigue. Dive into romance with Newcastle's own Romeo and Juliet's tale of ladder-bound escape. Experience domestic life at 'Home is where the hearth is' and hunt for treasures at the 'Open-air bargains'. Discover community strength at 'Looking after their own', admire historic 'Fixer-uppers', and reflect at 'The church on the hill'. End with whimsy as you 'Brace for a ruff landing' and celebrate innovation with 'That magnificent man…'. This tour dives deep into the layers of Newcastle, blending stories of past aspirations with local discoveries.
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Regional, spannend und authentisch: Hier finden Sie Kriminalromane, 111-Orte-Bücher und vieles mehr. Entdecken Sie die Welt mit Büchern von Emons!
Hier geht's zum Online Shop des Verlags: https://emons-verlag.de/

Stroll along Newcastle's iconic Grey Street, where neoclassical architecture whispers tales of grand ambitions amidst the city's modern rhythm.

Discover the city's hidden stories of romance and intrigue, tucked away in narrow passageways, and feel the vibrant life of Newcastle unfold at every turn.

Experience the highlights of Newcastle in your own way

Start, pause, and end your tour in Newcastle whenever you want
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Über die Tour

6 km

72 Min

zu Fuß
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