11 places in Milwaukee Journeys in Art &
Cultural Echoes
Unlock the hidden layers of Milwaukee as we delve into its rich tapestry of stories. From the original home of Cold Stone to the symbolic crossing of Milwaukee's divide, each stop unravels a tale of innovation and legacy. Marvel at the brilliance of glass art and pay homage to a legendary 'landlady'. Discover the genesis of the modern keyboard and commemorate a bull moose story. Traverse a mezzanine of eclectic wonders and dine where Sinatra savored strudel. Appreciate a lost art form's tumble and relish the finest wurst. Finally, bridge the mysterious gaps in magic's history. This journey is not just through places but through a vivid narrative that celebrates art, culture, and history.
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Discover Milwaukee through a unique lens at 'The home of the original cold stone,' where the city’s legacy of innovation and creativity is a testament to its dynamic spirit.

Stand in awe before 'The art of glass,' where sunlit patterns reveal the city's artistic soul, inviting you to uncover tales woven into Milwaukee’s architectural tapestry.

Experience the highlights of Milwaukee in your own way

Start, pause, and end your tour in Milwaukee whenever you want
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Über die Tour

7 km

83 Min

zu Fuß
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