11 places in Milwaukee Chronicles of
Lost Traditions
Embark on a journey through Milwaukee's forgotten tales and resilient culture. Begin with a visit to a century-old church supply emporium, a testament to enduring faith and craftsmanship. Pay tribute to an ink master who leaves indelible marks on the soul, and mind your Ps and Qs in a lively nod to a bygone etiquette. Unearth stories at the root of Milwaukee's identity, and pause for the exquisite crunch of tony tots, an emblem of local indulgence. Witness the magic of a 'Polish moon' through a unique cultural lens, and blow off steam at historically significant venues where the past is a palpable presence. Experience the delightful squeak of fresh cheese curds, while the shadowy past of notorious figures like Capone and Dahmer haunts the historic district. Bow down to a collector's paradise teeming with vintage treasures that pay homage to yesteryears. Conclude your odyssey by tracing the roots of Milwaukee's early Polonia, unveiling a community rich in heritage and spirit. This tour unravels Milwaukee's storied history through a captivating tapestry of anecdotes, echoing the lost voices and indelible marks left on the city's rich cultural landscape.
Dein Guide

Regional, spannend und authentisch: Hier finden Sie Kriminalromane, 111-Orte-Bücher und vieles mehr. Entdecken Sie die Welt mit Büchern von Emons!
Hier geht's zum Online Shop des Verlags: https://emons-verlag.de/

Step into the enchanting world of a century-old church supply emporium, where Milwaukee's rich culture whispers tales through intricately carved wood and stained glass artistry.

Explore the vibrant soul of Milwaukee as you unravel mysterious tales in a hauntingly inviting bar, where infamous figures like Capone and Dahmer once mingled with the echoes of the past.

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Über die Tour

12 km

144 Min

zu Fuß
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