11 places in London Secrets & Scandals
Hidden in History
Embark on an enigmatic journey through London's lesser-known secrets and scandals. Discover the dazzling decoration and color reminiscent of a Gothic fairy tale and encounter the enchanting echoes of Mozart and the magic fruit. Uncover surprises that challenge your perception: wonder 'Is this really in London?' as you venture further into a realm of conspiracy and artistry. Unearth the allure of an idyllic William Morris-like aesthetic tucked away amid London’s bustle. Marvel at the transformation of stables into ideal homes, and delve into the mysterious disappearance of a vanished aristocrat suspected of murder. Explore huts preserved as architectural heritage and consider the family ties held within cherished properties. Witness the poignant echoes of history in Oscar Wilde's humiliation and trace the walls that sheltered Julian Assange. Contemplate Arthur Koestler’s end as you unravel the intricate tapestry of stories shaping London’s cultural and historical landscape, designed for those who seek the truth beyond the city’s surface.
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Dive into the vibrant tapestry of London, where every cobblestone whispers history, and the quirky genius of Mozart mingles with lively colors that defy the city's grey skies.

Uncover London's intriguing secrets, from hidden masterpieces inspired by Morris to a true crime story of aristocracy and scandal, all while standing in the haunting footsteps of Oscar's public decline.

Experience the highlights of London in your own way

Start, pause, and end your tour in London whenever you want
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Über die Tour

6.9 km

83 Min

zu Fuß
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