11 places in London Secrets of the
East End Legends
Embark on a journey through London's most intriguing past, where each stop unravels a hidden tale. From Mark Twain's surprising visit to a hospital, delighting patients with his wit, to the notorious gangster hangout in the East End, every location whispers secrets of yesteryear. Walk where kings once met their subjects and marvel at impactful street art marking cultural narratives. Experience the poignant history of a tragedy caused by a false air raid warning, and learn how innovative design turned a perilous stairway into a path of safety. Saunter through Paradise Row's quiet charm, then uncover the curious beginnings of a beloved childhood museum. Reflect on the powerful 'Deedes of war' and step inside a former police station that once challenged Orwell's pen. Conclude your exploration at a venue renowned for its uncompromising impact—a fitting end to a tour that bridges history with personal stories, overlooked by conventional tours but cherished by insiders seeking the East End's profound legacy.
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Step into the echoes of history as you wander alongside the laughter of Mark Twain and the whispers of London’s storied East End, where vibrant street art meets royalty and crafted legends.

Unfold the hidden tales of notorious gangsters and wartime resilience, each story painting a vivid picture of London's past on this captivating audio journey that promises a feast for the senses.

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Über die Tour

4.6 km

56 Min

zu Fuß
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