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Historical Tour through Ettlingen

durchschnittliches Rating ist 5 von 5, basierend auf 0 Stimmen, Ratings

Welcome to Ettlingen! On our city tour, you will discover the fascinating history and breathtaking architecture of the city. From the Celts to the Baden Revolution - we will guide you through the different eras and show you the most important sights such as the castle, St. Martin's Church and the town hall square. Learn more about the history, the reconstruction after the town fire of 1689 and the cultural highlights such as the Ettlingen Castle Festival.

Discover picturesque Ettlingen and then enjoy the cozy atmosphere in the cafés and restaurants.

Dein Guide



Entdecke Ettlingen in deinem eigenen Tempo

Erlebe die Highlights Ettlingen

Spannende und witzige Anekdoten

Starte, pausiere und beende die Tour wann du möchtest

Über die Tour

1.5 km

60 Min

zu Fuß, Fahrrad

Welcome to Ettlingen! On our city tour, you will discover the fascinating histor...


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