11 places in Chichester Whispered Wonders
of Time and Art
Embark on an exclusive journey through Chichester, where history whispers through art and architecture. Begin with a savoury story of hopes and wishes, leading to an uncrowded masterpiece—a Roman goddess timelessly poised. Continue to an ancient church transformed into a haven for contemporary art enthusiasts. Experience a vibrant mix of Berlin's spirit and The Beatles' legacy in an unexpected poppy splash. Delve into a flour mill revitalized by creative genius. Wander along a street with an intriguingly economic past. Make human connections as you touch the Iron Age in all its glory. Discover an architectural marvel, once name-shrouded, now shining with clarity. Stand alongside a devout reformer, still imposing. Feel the warmth of local life transpire through stone, and end with the exquisite cloak that beautifies the ordinary. This journey beckons those who cherish tales of the past, in awe of art’s enduring presence.
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Discover Chichester's majestic cathedral and its awe-inspiring Roman goddess, a hidden treasure amidst the city's rich historical tapestry.

Experience the enchanting transformation of an ancient church into a modern art sanctuary, where vibrant colors and contemporary creations converse with echoes of the past.

Experience the highlights of Chichester in your own way

Start, pause, and end your tour in Chichester whenever you want
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Über die Tour

4.9 km

58 Min

zu Fuß
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