11 places in Cambridge Hidden Streams
and Cultural Gems
Embark on an insider's exploration of Cambridge, starting with the hidden waterways that offer a serene escape from bustling academic fame. Dive into art with a purpose at 'Art for Education’s Sake', a testament to creativity as a catalyst for change. The White Horse Inn entices with quirky tales of eel grigs and Fuzzy-Felt, blending history with playful charm. 'Daisies with a Difference' showcases vibrant flora, allowing nature and innovation to intertwine. Discover the oldest church in 'Bridgeland', a relic of enduring faith and time. Experience faith anew at 'Christianity in the Round', where tradition meets modernity within circular walls. Intellectual rigor abounds where debates have been 'Arguing Seriously since 1815'. Witness rising talent at 'A Springboard to Stardom', honoring dreams in the world of performing arts. Unwind with tales of 'Drinking and Diving', blending sports and cultural narratives. Delight in culinary exclamations at 'Hello! Is it Brie You're Looking For?', an ode to local flavors and wordplay. Finally, soak in the local ethos at 'Books, Bikes, Beetroot and Bread', capturing the city’s essence in its eclectic lifestyle. This tour is a tapestry of art, history, and modern vibrancy, perfect for the curious, culture-loving traveler seeking more than the ordinary.
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Embark on a sensory voyage through Cambridge's hidden pathways, where tranquil river whispers and the vibrant pulse of artistic creativity await your discovery.

Step into the storied White Horse Inn and cozy alleyways of Cambridge, where the echoes of historic debates and whimsical tales interlace to spark your imagination.

Experience the highlights of Cambridge in your own way

Start, pause, and end your tour in Cambridge whenever you want
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Über die Tour

6.8 km

82 Min

zu Fuß
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