11 places in Bristol Echoes of Time,
Icons and Mysteries
Embark on a journey through Bristol's vibrant tapestry of Anecdote, History, and Art. Begin with a pivotal moment that transformed UK civil rights forever. Travel through time with centuries-old treasures and the enduring influence of a local musical legend. Discover one man's profound appreciation for exquisite objects and trace the harmony of folk music through its working-class roots. Experience a sip of ancient heritage with wine rooted in time's mists, and explore the uniqueness of the only church of its kind in the UK. Reflect on the relentless march of time and find peace within a hidden sanctuary. Uncover the monumental mind that surpassed even Einstein in mathematical prowess, before ending with a curious nod to a cinematic icon, 'Put…the bunny…back…in the box'. Each stop weaves a rich narrative of hope, innovation, and artistry, offering Insider travelers a deeper connection to this storied city.
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Discover a pivotal landmark in UK civil rights, where history mingles with hope, and the echoes of change are as vivid today as they were then.

Feel the rhythm of Bristol's musical heartbeat as you explore hidden artistic gems and secret corners that invite you to unravel their mysteries.

Experience the highlights of Bristol in your own way

Start, pause, and end your tour in Bristol whenever you want
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Über die Tour

4.7 km

57 Min

zu Fuß
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