11 places in Bath Whispers of Great
Legacy and Cinema
Embark on an exclusive journey through Bath's hidden gems, tailored for the discerning Insider traveler seeking a tapestry of anecdote, architecture, history, and culture. Begin with an Englishman's extraordinary collection, a wonder inspiring marvel at every turn. Experience an awe-inspiring panorama from the city-centre round, and discover how woolly ruminants play a unique role in maintaining the city's allure. Uncover Bath's elusive influence in the history of cinema, spotting stars from the silver screen as well as in situ. Gaze upon the King of Bath and unravel the intricacies of a new social code. Delve into the life of the 'time-saved-is-life-gained' shorthand inventor and ascend 212 steps for a 360-degree panoramic-view heaven. Follow the legacy of how Bath honed Britain's heroic naval officer and listen to stories echoing from ancient walls. End your exploration by spending a penny in the old jail, a nod to the quaint and often-overlooked side of local lore.
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Step into the elegant world of Georgian society at the Royal Crescent, where each golden stone whispers the secrets of Bath's illustrious past.

Unveil the cinematic charm of Bath from a panoramic viewpoint, where the city's romantic allure and storied streets reveal their ties to the stars of the silver screen.

Experience the highlights of Bath in your own way

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Über die Tour

7.7 km

92 Min

zu Fuß
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