11 places in Austin Secrets to Tunes:
Austin's Hidden Rhythms
Venture into Austin’s captivating past, where every corner whispers tales of history and culture. Begin with a house that nurses secrets within its walls, an epitome of bygone days. Stroll through a garden of Austin's first suburb, where daisies bloom amidst historic dwellings. Feel the vibrant pulse of Texas blues and sway to 1930s tunes in an era-authentic mansion. Discover Austin's tiniest park and listen for ghostly tales at a storied pub. Experience the fervor of Friday night lights and reflect on the brave souls who challenged segregation in education. Unravel the mysteries surrounding Austin's first serial killer and celebrate pioneering rebel women over a refreshing drink. Marvel at a Texas-sized art project that captures the city's eclectic spirit. Each stop is an invitation to uncover layers of stories, shaping Austin's identity over time, perfect for those who cherish authentic urban explorations.
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Step into the rhythm of Austin and uncover its secrets as you explore whispering histories, tiny parks with grand stories, and a musical legacy echoing with Texas blues.

Embrace the allure of Austin's past in a mesmerizing tour where roaring 1930s glamour meets rebellious tales of triumph and Texas-sized artistic wonders.

Experience the highlights of Austin in your own way

Start, pause, and end your tour in Austin whenever you want
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Über die Tour

13.4 km

161 Min

zu Fuß
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