A walk through Munich
The tour through Pasing, Munich, offers a fascinating journey through the rich history and cultural treasures of the district. Visitors can expect a variety of historical sights, including the impressive Gatterburg castle with its eventful past as a fortress and residence of the Wittelsbach dynasty. The Old Cemetery invites you to take a peaceful stroll through its historic burial grounds and at the same time offers a retreat surrounded by nature. The Old Schoolhouse, one of the oldest educational institutions in Germany, tells stories of centuries of learning and community. The churches Maria Rosenkranzkönigin, Maria Schutz and Mariä Geburt impress with their architectural beauty and spiritual significance, reflecting decades of faith and community. In addition, visitors can discover the historic High Bunker, the Fish Fountain and the Lock Keeper's House, each offering a unique insight into the industrial, artistic and architectural development of the district. This tour promises to be an inspiring and enriching experience for anyone looking to engage with the history, culture and beauty of Pasing.
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Erleben Sie die majestätische Pracht des Schlosses Gatterburg, das mit seinen historischen Fassaden zwischen den gepflasterten Straßen Pasings eine zauberhafte Atmosphäre ausstrahlt.
Begeben Sie sich auf eine Zeitreise im Alten Friedhof und lassen Sie die leisen Glockenklänge der Kirche Mariä Geburt die fesselnden Geschichten dieses historischen Viertels heraufbeschwören.
Erlebe die Highlights in München auf deine eigene Art und Weise
Starte, pausiere und beende deine Tour in München wann immer du willst
About the tour
About the tour
2.5 km
60 min
on foot, bicycle
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